Making connections, delivering results

Companies are operating in an increasingly challenging and uncertain environment, with global and volatile markets, greater regulation, increased competition, disruptive technology, and broad and instant news flow coupled with increased shareholder activism. Against this backdrop, more than ever companies need clear, expert advice to help them cut through the noise and communicate their value proposition effectively to the audiences that they need to reach, including institutional investors, analysts and brokers, financial media and other stakeholders.

Embracing Change

It is no understatement that since 2020, there has been profound changes to the way we do business. The shift to remote, on-line working taught us the power of communicating. Today, issuers need knowledgeable professionals who can help them identify their own distinctive paths forward, help them find their unique proposition and embrace new communication practices.

A Marathon, not a Sprint

If you have to bet on the hare or the tortoise in a race, we all know who to pick. The tortoise is solid, reliable and paces itself steadily to the finishing line rather than rushing there in frantic leaps and bounds.
In financial terms, going slow and steady is the golden rule. It takes time to achieve results. With deep sector expertise and capital markets experience, TerrePartners works with clients to develop and communicate, compelling investment cases, armed with a clear roadmap, high-quality disclosure and a network of global contacts.

Our Team

Joanna Longo

As an accomplished Capital Markets professional with more than 20 years of extensive experience, Joanna develops and implements capital markets strategies for small to mid-cap publicly-traded companies to attract new investors, build credibility with the street and achieve fair valuation. Working with issuers across multiple sectors, Joanna has advised on critical capital market judgments that issuers have to make throughout their publicly-traded life - underwriter selection and structure, attracting research analyst coverage, investment thesis, valuation comparables, corporate governance, and investor targeting. Prior to founding TerrePartners, she worked as an equity salesperson at a boutique investment bank in Toronto responsible for prospecting new buy-side relationships across Canada and internationally; idea generation, client communication and marketing. Before her career in equity sales, she was a partner at Canada’s largest investor relations firm, which was sold to the Toronto Stock Exchange. Joanna was integral to helping companies formulate their message and investor presentation, routinely providing corporates with detailed strategic advice, and investor feedback. She began her career in the capital markets as a wholesaler of mutual funds and other structured products to the retail advisor community. Throughout her career, she has sold research ideas, created trade ideas, worked on block trades, marketed small and mid-cap companies, conducted multi-city national and international roadshows and sold a variety of different financings.



    Integrating finance, communication, marketing and compliance to attain the most effective two-way communication between an issuer, shareholders and the financial community. Financial communication is vital to achieving fair valuation.
    “Next to doing the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you are doing the right thing.” J.D. Rockefeller